If you want to use a VHF marine radio you need a valid "authority to operate". We offer the RYA Short Range Certificate (SRC) because it is a very practical and hands on course. We only offer the classroom course, because of the high pass rate and the time we spend on VHF use in The Netherlands.
When you book the classroom course you will also receive the excellent online training from the RYA. This almost guarantees that you will pass the examination.
Maximum of 12 participants, we supply one VHF per person.
Instructor led course:
We start at 09:00 with a general overview of the equipment that you are allowed to use: DSC VHF radio, EPIRB, SART and more. First we will change some settings in the radio to cure any button anxiety. You will then use your training radio to call other boats for routine calls, traffic control for guidance and locks for a passage.
After lunch we spend time on the different ways of sounding the alarm.
Around 15:00 we will start with the theory exam. A fresh examiner steps in and will assess your capabilities in what is now a routine way of working a VHF unit. At 17:00 all should be ready, depending on how "gezellig" we make the day.
Exams, books and online courses are only available in English. We also spend time on VHF use in The Netherlands, which is typically in Dutch. Topics are ATIS, block-channels, registering and using VHF with Dutch government etc. If you prefer a fully English spoken course let us know, we also arrange those. The Dutch part is voluntary but highly recommended.
Click here to see dates and book a course.