High VHF exam passrate due to our unique style.
The planning of a VHF marine radio course + exam. First you prepare at home with an online course + a book. Allow for two or three sessions of 2 to 3 hours.
- What does this button do? Including menu and first time setup.
- Which channels can you use for which purposes? Where can you find Dutch traffic control channels?
- What do you say?
- How to ask for help?
- by voice and with the Distress button
- Which level? Mayday or PanPan
- What if someone else calls for help?
- Basic working of an EPIRB (worldwide alarm beacon)
- Basic working of a SART, and how to choose between a Radar Sart, and AIS sart or an MOB AIS SART
- Regulatory affairs for VHF in The Netherlands / inland shipping: ATIS, MMSI, registration and proper settings
- Basic tech: types of antennaes, cables and connectors.
The exam:
- The theory exam is similar to the one that you can make at the end of the online training. If you do this before the classroom day I will pay your re-examination fees.
- The marifoon exam is in English, but it's not an English exam. The assessor is allowed to clarify and translate minor parts of the exam.
- During the practical VHF examination you have to show that you can make routine and emergency calls, and that you can explain the basic functioning of alarm beacons.