High VHF exam passrate due to our unique style. 

The planning of a VHF marine radio course + exam. First you prepare at home with an online course + a book. Allow for two or three sessions of 2 to 3 hours. 

  • What does this button do? Including menu and first time setup. 
  • Which channels can you use for which purposes? Where can you find Dutch traffic control channels? 
  • What do you say? 
  • How to ask for help?
    • by voice and with the Distress button
    • Which level? Mayday or PanPan
    • What if someone else calls for help?
    • Basic working of an EPIRB (worldwide alarm beacon)
    • Basic working of a SART, and how to choose between a Radar Sart, and AIS sart or an MOB AIS SART
  • Regulatory affairs for VHF in The Netherlands / inland shipping: ATIS, MMSI, registration and proper settings
  • Basic tech: types of antennaes, cables and connectors. 

The exam:

  • The theory exam is similar to the one that you can make at the end of the online training. If you do this before the classroom day I will pay your re-examination fees. 
  • The marifoon exam is in English, but it's not an English exam. The assessor is allowed to clarify and translate minor parts of the exam. 
  • During the practical VHF examination you have to show that you can make routine and emergency calls, and that you can explain the basic functioning of alarm beacons. 

Course dates and registration