The technical details of a radar system are dazzling: signals lasting fractions of a microsecond and signals travel close to the speed of light. Luckily it is much easier to grasp the control of a yacht radar system. The modern units are easy to control but you have to make the right choices.

The RYA Small Craft RADAR cursus

During the day we use models, simulators and Raymarine equipment. Most other brands will have similar features. 

When we have demosntrated how an echo is drawn we will look into the interpretation of that echo: how does it move over the screen? What does that mean for us? How close will an echo get and how long does that take. This used to take a lot of skill but a modern radar has several ways to show that information: trails, wakes, future predicting vectors and MARPA. 

If a ship gets to close, how should we act? What do the rules mention, and what is common sense?

How to get as sharp a picture as possible? The audo mode is great, but you can probably improve the picture a bit.

This training is not a replacement for the Dutch radarpatent or for STCW Radar courses.

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